What I was doing therewas a simple attempt to use the transformer from the xml api to write an xml file:
Source source = new DOMSource (doc);
Result result = new StreamResult (new File (file));
Transformer transformer = TransformerFactory.newInstance ().newTransformer ();
transformer.transform (source, result);
Personally this is the worlds's most stupid error. Guess what the console gave as the eroor description : ERROR: '' "
Very helpful, isn’t it? What next? Well we'll proceed to the stack trace next:
Down somewhere in the jungle of exceptions you get Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
at com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.serializer. ToUnknownStream.characters(ToUnknownStream.java:312)
the code there looks like this:
public void characters(String chars) throws SAXException
final int length = chars.length();
Now we finally see the part that threw the error. Well the char.kength() was zero because there was a null text node insertion beging tried. So now's the solution to this problem
1. Go through your source code
2. Find the text node that is null
3. Give it a String value
4. Recompile and run